A-h horizon geochemical sampling completed in 2010 and 2011 by Teck Resources delineated several anomalies indicative of porphyry copper-gold style mineralisation, coincident with large geophysical features characteristic of porphyry systems.
Widespread chlorite-sericite alteration persists within the roughly east-west striking IP chargeability corridor, where exposure exists. Epidote-carbonate veins have been observed in several road cut exposure, distal to the target areas.
Strong pyrite mineralization persists within the roughly east-west striking IP chargeability corridor, where exposure exists. There is no exposure in the immediate vicinity of the geochemical and geophysical targets.
Exploration Targets
T1 Priority Target
- 1.5 x 1 km IP chargeability high
- 1 km diameter conductivity high
- 1.3 x 1 km magnetic high
- 500 m diameter Cu-Au-Mo A-h soil geochemical anomaly
Three additional target areas have been identified on the property within the structural corridor characterized by high IP chargeability responses. All target areas can be tested from existing logging roads.
Work History
Cominco (1990)
- Induced Polarization (chargeability & resistivity)
- Magnetics
- Geochemistry
- Recommendation: Drill test T1 target
Geoinformatics (2007)
- Induced Polarization (chargeability & resistivity)
- Magnetics
- T1 target drilled but failed to reach bedrock and target depth
Teck Resources (2011)
- Induced Polarization (chargeability & resistivity) - 60 sq km
- Ah soil geochemistry & orientation survey
- Recommendation: Drill test T1 target
Target T1 remains untested and is within range of PEMC RC drill